Easyphp 5 3 210 5,0/5 4926 reviews

If you want to find out more about your IP address, please visit our My IP page. Not every IP address has owner information associated with it. Mar 16, 2010 PHP - Aula 1 - Instalando EasyPHP-5.3.2 - Windows 7 Ubiratan Zakaib do Nascimento. Published on Mar 17, 2010. Primeira aula.

EasyPHP Editor's Review EasyPHP is a development environment for PHP developers. It includes development tools and other useful features such as a MySQL database and an Apache server. EasyPHP is a great tool for those who aren't confident with coding in PHP. For more experienced coders, it can still be an attractive time-saver. The interface is fairly intuitive and it doesn't take too long to get the hand of EasyPHP's various features. Once you install and launch the program, the server is ready to use - you can simply import your databases via the PHPMyadmin interface. EasyPHP can be installed on a local drive; or on removable media such as a flash drive, so you can take it with you anywhere.

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The package effectively combines MySQL, Apache, Xdebug and PHPMyadmin with PHP, plus some useful development tools, to create a standalone installation. It is also pre-configured to accept plugin modules, allowing its functionality to be expanded to support content management systems such as WordPress, Spip, phpBB, Drupal and Joomla. Although excellent for local testing, EasyPHP is not really designed to offer a production environment.

Another major drawback is the relatively weak help system; if you encounter a bug or simply can't work out how to accomplish something, it can be hard to find a solution. There is a dedicated help forum for EasyPHP but getting qualified assistance can be time-consuming. Pros: Easy to learn, with lots of features. Cons: Somewhat limited, weak help. Conclusion: Limited but nonetheless effective PHP development tool.

EasyPHP Publisher's Description.


EasyPHP merupakan program paket Apache, MySQL, PHP seperti XAMPP atau WAMPServer. Salah satu kelebihan EasyPHP dengan program paket AMP yang lain adalah pada portabilitasnya.

Dengan kata lain, EasyPHP bisa didimpan di flashdisk atau memori card. Sebenarnya XAMPP juga memiliki versi portabelnya yaitu XAMPPLite.

Easy Php 5.3.0 Download

Namun pemakaian xampplite akan mengalami masalah jika dikomputer telah diinstal web server IIS!!! Kenapa bermasalah, karena IIS dan xampplite menggunakan nomor port yang sama yaitu 80.

Easyphp 5 3 210

Easy Php

Dengan kata lain kita harus mengubah konfigurasi secara manual IIS atau xampplite. Pengubahan setting ini tidak mudah bagi pemula!!! EasyPHP, sesuai namanya, kita tinggal install ke komputer, kemudian jika ingin dibuat portabel tinggal mengopi foldernya ke flashdisk atau memori card. Dari memori card, kiat tinggal menjalan file.exe utamanya dan akan melakukan konfigurasi secara otomatis yang dilakukan secara background. Selain itu juga nomor port yang digunakan adalah 8888. Yang tidak akan konflik dengan web server lainnya seperti Tomcat (port 8080). Selesai dieksekusi, EasyPHP akan tampil pada System Tray, yang di dalamnya terdapat menu-menu seperti untuk konfigurasi manual, maupun menghentikan / memulai web server, administrasi dsb.