Genplus Gx Wii
Comment # 3 originally posted by ekeeke31 on 2014-10-18T09:03:40.000Z: Unfortunately, the license (GPL) is incompatible with Genesis Plus GX non-commercial license so it can not simply be reused here. The implementation also seems kinda 'hackish' around libogc and require modification in emulator code. It seems a better way to patch libogc to add support for wiiu pro controller (tuedj posted a patch in this thread: ) and simply rebuild the emulator with it, it should just work straight forward without any modification. But as I said, I don't have a WiiU pro controller to test it and verify it indeed works.
Genplus Gx Channel
I will try to post a test build so you can test it yourself. Comment # 8 originally posted by ekeeke31 on 2015-01-12T23:34:29.000Z: It has been a long time but if you are still interested, here is a quick (untested) implementation roughly based on tueidj code. Would be great if you could give it a try, Wii U Pro Controller LED should light up like any other wii controllers if connection is fine. The controller needs to be previously registered to your Wii of course, not sure where this can be done for a Wii U Pro Controller.
Also keep in mind the emulator will only look at the first connected device to navigate into the GUI but you can check & remap any detected device for mulated games in input settings. Comment # 9 originally posted by on 2015-01-13T01:07:44.000Z: done a quick test and her are my results. Please note I'm using a wiiu - when wiiupro controller is set as player 1 it constantly goes through menus and stops at the game selection menu. I can move up and down to browse game list but i can't select one. The home button works and takes me up one menu but it instantly goes back to game list.
Next i started with wiiu pro set as controller 2 and wiimote set as 1. I loaded genplus again and used the wiimote to reassign player 1 to wiiu pro which shows up as a classic controller but when i went to reassign button config the wiiu console froze and only unplugging would turn it off.
After a reset i loaded up alex kidd using previous setting and same thing as first attempt happened, auto press till game starts but alex did walk left on his own. On a positive note the led lights work right showing ether led 1 or 2 depending on controller order. Comment # 10 originally posted by ekeeke31 on 2015-01-13T13:58:47.000Z: Ok, thanks for the detailled report, it would honestly have been very surprising if it worked out of the box. Good thing is the detection and connection of Wii U Pro worked. Now it simply seems like buttons appear as always being pressed, which can lead to different behavior depending if you are in main menu or game selection menu, key mapping menu, etc.
Genplus Gx Wii Sega Cd
Genesis Plus GX is a Sega. This is a port of Charles MacDonald's Genesis Plus to the Wii, with a lot of. /genplus/roms directory but you can place. Genesis Plus GX versions 070720, 071230, 080107, 080301, 080406, 080419 Wii, 080601, 080716, 080826, 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.4.0, 1.4.1, 1.5.0, 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.7.1, 1.7.2, 1.7.3, 1.7.4, 1.7.5 RC1 (24.33 MB) Versions WIP 0, WIP 1, WIP 1.1, WIP 1.2, 070207, 070309, 070317, 070322, 070326, 070411, 070508, 070518, 070621, 071228, 080419 GC.

How do I get GenPlus GX as a channel on my Wii? Edit: Is there an official one like for the other GX emulators made by wilsoff and MrNick666?
Pretty much what you are describing. I will try to review my code and evntually post another DOL to test when I got some time.

Genplus Gx Wii

Comment # 12 originally posted by on 2015-01-13T20:55:06.000Z: done another quick test for you and here are the results. with pro controller set as player 1 load perfectly into gui, can navigate with d-pad and all button respond perfectly. However the left analog doesn't respond unless you hold for a second or two then the shoots in which ever direction your holding. Tested setting a custom button layout and no crash this time and I'm able to set buttons fine.
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As for the games its perfect. The analog doesn't do the same thing as gui and works perfectly. Tested alex kidd (ms), battletoads (gen) and sonic 2 (gen) and the pro controller works flawlessly. I think you've nailed this one. Just like to thank you for your work:).