Rng Reporter 9.81 Beta
Keep in mind this info is as of RNG Reporter 9.81 Beta. In the future, the process may be easier, such as checking for characteristics. Jul 24, 2011 Keep in mind this info is as of RNG Reporter 9.81 Beta. In the future, the process may be easier, such as checking for characteristics. RNG Reporter 9 79 For Mono (231.4 KB) RNG Reporter 9 79 For Mono Source title: Download 5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest RNG Reporter is 9.81 Beta.
Got my shiny Dialga from Gamestop for Pokemon Black and Pokemon White 2. Gonna RNG to get a good one, of course. I figured since it's a guaranteed shiny, it's going to be figured differently than the standard Wonder Card legendary, so I looked it up on Smogon's guide, indeed I was right. But the guide is.really confusing. I have no idea what it's trying to say about how to RNG for shiny Wonder Card Pokemon, and I googled and couldn't find any other help. Can someone give me a more thorough, step-by-step process for RNGing shiny Wonder Card Pokemon?
Rng Reporter Gen 3
I'm rusty in general with RNGing, haven't done it for some months, and the guides on Smogon themselves are never very clear. All right thanks. Another question on Pokemon White 2's Kyurem.it mentioned a shifted starting frame in one of the WIP articles on Smogon. How will this affect my RNG and how can I rectify this?

Rng Reporter Emerald
Also when talking about wandering NPCs, since I have no interest in finding my SID and thus RNGing for shinies, for the most part the RNG Reporter normally gives me a bunch of Frame 1's with a few keypresses. So if I boot up the game and hit my seed, and I'm standing next to the legendary, if I press A to initiate battle super quickly before any of the WNPCs can move, will I be okay?