Windows 3.1 Iso For Virtualbox
The Windows 3.1 disks are not bootable. You must boot and install MS-DOS first, and then install Windows from the floppy from within MS-DOS, as if it were a videogame and not an operating system. Like, C: >A: A: >setup.exe Windows 3.1 was more of a graphical desktop shell than a full operating system. It runs as an application on DOS like any other.
Windows 3.1 Iso For Virtualbox

As the name suggests. I have spent quite some time here and on other sites looking for a valid windows 3.1 iso that can be loaded with VirtualBox. The only one I've found only one iso at all so far, but it won't load. I read somewhere that by loading it into ISOMaster and saving it as a new iso it would spontaneously work with VB, however this was not the case for me. When I create the virtual segment it prompts me to load an os, I point it to the win3.1 iso but it responds with 'FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted.'
Sun Microsystems
I'm sure I'm doing something intrinsically wrong, but if anyone can point me to a win3.1 iso that they know works that would eliminate some of the possibilities for failure. By the same token, if anyone knows that I'm doing something wrong, that would be helpful too. I've made sure to configure the os type to 3.1 so I don't think that's an issue. I'm currently running windows 7 on some fairly high end hardware. If you need specifics, just ask. I'd really like to figure this out. Any help is appreciated.
Posts: 2 Joined: 15. Jan 2010, 09:10 Primary OS: MS Windows 7 VBox Version: PUEL Guest OSses: none.

This question already has an answer here:. 3 answers As part of my MSDN with Visual Studio Enterprise subscription I just got, I can download Windows 3.1. I want to install it to a VirtualBox VM so to remember good old days. I don't want to use DOSBox as I'll try some old viruses and I want the OS completely isolated.
The file you can downloaded is an.exe SFX file that outputs. I already have a MS-DOS VM working. I'm looking for answers telling me how to pack these files and how to mount and run them in MS-DOS, so this is different from my. This technique requires you to have a second VM, with a more recent operating system that supports shared folders.
1 4 patch cables. Install MS-DOS on the target VM. Shut down the target VM.
Attach its hard drive image to the second VM as an additional drive. Boot the second VM. Import the Windows 3.1 self-extracting EXE, and unpack it onto the target drive (this might be drive D: or E: in the second VM). Shut down the second VM, and boot up the target VM. Run C: W31 SETUP.EXE (assuming you unpacked it to W31 in step 3).
Once you're happy the target VM is working correctly, you can detach its hard drive from the second VM. Windows 3.1 pre-dates nearly anything else in terms of installation media than floppy disks.
So your only way of getting the installation files into the VM will be via floppy disk images. Your other question relates to how to install MSDOS into a VM - Let's assume you have done that, I would propose you use the standard installation floppies als images to install. Because no VM I'd know comes with guest additions for DOS that would allow shared host/guest media, I don't see any other way to install.