22lr Gatling Gun Blueprints 3,7/5 1572 reviews

Last month I purchased a number of documents among which were these blueprint & schematic drawings of the Gatling Gun. This document measures 10' tall x 24' wide and is marked 'Gatling Gun Calibre.30' U.S.

Gatling Gun Co. Hartford Conn, Dec., 9 1899.' This document measures 17' tall x 29.5' wide and is marked 'Gatling Gun. 1903 Army Model. Colt's Armory. This document measures 17 5/8' tall x 29.75' wide and is marked 'Details of the 30. Colt's Armory.

There are many other written technical details along with hand-written penciled notes. This document measures 22.5' tall x 24.25' wide and is marked 'Wind Gauge Sight for Gatling Guns.

And I doubt steam will request an update if it does not even know an update exists. I think you won't need to update it or have an Internet connection to do so then. Game Updates. But I would still recommend the updates, because all the bugfixes are getting published in the change log and hence are abuseable in older versions. You can restrict access for steam to your internet connection, so it launches in offline mode. If you don't have a good connection you could do it over the steam backup, but it can cost plenty of time depending on your computer count.

Method of Utilizing Old Parts. Springfield Armory, U.S.A. April 7, 1906'.

I also have a 20' x 36', pencil drawn schematic of a 'Cal. US Navy Gatling Gun Carriage, Colt's Armory, Nov. I have not photographed this document yet. I also have some Port of Philadelphia watch logs from Feb. In addition, there is a piece of 'Kansas, Missouri, Texas Railway Company' stock from 1889. This document appears to have William Rockefeller's signature on back. I suppose my question is.

Are these things that I should have authenticated & if so, how do I go about doing that? I do believe the signature could be worth some pretty good money, but what about the blueprints and the watch logs?


RG-G's Product Description and Pricelist. Since 1991, RG-G, Inc. Has been offering Gatling gun blueprints and instructions to the home builder/hobbyist for our.22.

I'm considering listing these items this week, but I want to be sure I have things set up properly. Oh, one last thing. What about these loan certificates from Philadelphia? Worth anything, other than conversation? Dates on the loans. 1800s or 1900s.

The rail stock is for the MKT. 'Katy' or Missouri Kansas Texas railway.

This should be correctly listed as the Katy is specifically sought after railroad. Check the signature against other known Rockefeller signatures. There has been more than one William R. I believe the Gat blue print will be of interest to some. The Port Watch sheets, being from the Civil War, would have some interest as well.

Note the names of any ships and Military officers listed. Thank you for the information. It is quite helpful. I've tried comparing the Rockefeller signature with others that I've found on the net. They do look very similar. I'm considering sending this item off to have it authenticated. Based on the prices I've seen for other, similar signatures, I think it might be worth the cost of authentication.

I've also seen the reproduction gatling gun blueprints & schematics. I feel very confident in stating that I believe these documents to be original, period items. I'm certainly no expert either, but upon actual inspection, everything about these documents points to originality.

The type of paper used, the general wear & tear, the pencilled writing, etc., etc. If they're fakes, someone went to great lengths to reproduce them. For example, I have a schematic drawing of a Gatling Gun carriage that is drawn entirely in pencil.

I've yet to photograph that one, but the document is incredibly detailed and, without question, quite old. I'm willing to risk my reputation on the fact that these documents are original. I don't think I can afford to have all of them authenticated, but I will certainly offer a full, money-back guarantee to anyone who purchases them. I don't know the provenance of these items, other than that they were purchased from the estate of a well-known collector. I was lucky enough to buy ALL of these items for less than ten dollars.

They weren't listed on the auction bill. They were sold along with a lot of other items & it appears as though no-one had opened the boxes in which they were contained for years, if not decades. I also have an inspection report from the Vermont Volunteer Infantry, dated March 24, 1865.

Gotta say, it is always exciting to find things like this. The thrill of saving a historical item from the scrap heap is worth more than the item's weight in gold. As a history major in college, this is as close as I get to actually putting my degree to work.

22lr Gatling Gun Schematic

It is a good feeling to hold something in your hand and know that you've just resurrected a bit of history.