77 Ai Map Dota 4,3/5 7411 reviews
  1. Dota Imba 3.77 Ai Map
  2. Dota 6.77 Ai Map Download
  3. Latest Ai Map Dota

DotA 6.77 AI Fun Map has been released. It’s a fun oriented map brings extra heroes and items in your normal DotA making it more fun. This map is a modified/enhanced version of official DotA 6.77 AI which contains 45 extra heroes and items just for fun. It contains Old Lifestealer, Silencer, Cloud Strife, Spongebob and other new concept heroes. Also, there's a shop with ultra-powerful item recipes. DotA 6.77 AI Fun Map Download: Download the map (.w3x) file and copy it to ' Warcraft 3 Maps Download ' sub-directory. Features: 45 more heroes with epic skillset.

Synthogy ivory steinway grand piano vst rarity. Plenty of presets are also included to give you an endless amount of inspiration.

Christmas Hero Models Snow Terrain ND (-nd) mod for instant spawn Santa Hat from killing sprees. Mighty Items Unlimited Levels (enter -ul command) 99% Bug Fixes AI supported Note: - You need to enter -fun command at start to enable the fun mode. If you are experiencing any bugs/glitches, try entering -dm command before -fun to prevent them. If you still encounter any bug, you can report to Superwaitsum's blog.

Hello everyone! A couple of days after The International and we are still trying to get back to every day life but the thrill and anticipation for DOTA 2 are just not helping! This post will be a short news update on the DOTA 2 news that we had during these past weeks. So, let's see that we have!

We saw DOTA 2 gameplay and we loved it! As you probably now by now, DOTA 2 was shown for the first time during The International and it was thrilling. The game got amazing reviews and people loved it. Some minor negative comments where received for a couple hero models, some visual effects and for the user interface of the game - both of which have been addressed by Valve and as they said they have lots of feedback from the community and they will be making changes on the models and some visual effects.

Map Details for DotA v6.77 AI 1.0.6 Fun 2.7b: DotA v6.77 AI 1.0.6 Fun 2.7b by IceFrog Choose from 110 unique heroes + 45 Fun Heroes in an epic battle to defend the. DotA 6.77 AI Fun Map has been released. It’s a fun oriented map brings extra heroes and items in your normal DotA making it more fun. This map is a modified.

As for the UI they said that it will be reworked as well. The engine, which is the most important thing on the game, was great! The games where smooth, no real bugs or errors and gameplay seemed brilliant! For anyone that missed it (I have no idea how or why you'd do such a stupid thing but.meh!) The International is over and Na'Vi are the one million dollar prize winners! You can read up on all the details of the international, check the replays from the whole tournament here. Finally, you can check up on the statistics of hero picks from the tournament.

DOTA 2 will not be shipped before 2012. This is one of the sad news that we got from Gabe but, at the same time he promised that the open BETA will be live until the game is released. What does that mean? Free DOTA 2 until the game's official release for all. Delaying the actual release doesn't sound so bad if we can all play the game!:) Gabe Newell's Interview on GamesCom Here are the important stuff you need to know about this interview:. Several Valve developers are avid fans of the original DotA!.

Story driven single-player campaigns are out of the question. Valve intends to focus on the multiplayer aspects. Matchmaking algorithms will match players of similar skill level. Community contributions such as player guides, coaching system and accessibility etc.

Will be an integral part of the overall gameplay experience. Cosmetic microtransactions are likely going to be implemented. Dota 2 will continue the DotA tradition of getting user feedback and suggestions. Dota 2 will launch in early 2012 at the earliest. Despite that, an invitation-only beta will start some time after gamescom and an open beta will follow after.

Erik Johnson's Interviews on Gamescom Here are a few of the important bits, but we'd recommend you watch both interviews: and:. Dota 2 will have 105 heroes on release.

Every hero in Dota 2 will have individual backstories, with several videos and comics planned to explore and tell the story of the Dota 2 world. You'll be able to join a game with your friends and fight similarly skilled players with friends. Valve is really trying hard to solve the problem of games with imbalanced skill levels. Bot training maps, tutorials, and coaching are all confirmed. Erik's favorite hero is Earthshaker!.

Feedback on the game from the Gamescom attendees are really positive. Beta will eventually go from thousands to hundreds of thousands in order to get more feedback. Player hardware configuration will likely be a criteria in player selection. The game can scale down on low end computers, so no worries tight-budgeted players!

Erik Johnson's Interview at Dealspwn In this new, Erik Johnson said that they have plans to hold an event similar to The International yearly which gathers the best players from all around the world. At the same time, on the same matter IceFrog has confirmed that the prizepool will 'be at least as big as the current prize pool' when responding to a fan query on playdota forums. (mirror 1) Download the map (.w3x) file and copy it to 'Warcraft 3 Maps Download ' sub-directory. Features:. 45 more heroes with epic skillset.

Christmas Hero Models. Snow Terrain. ND ( -nd) mod for instant spawn. Santa Hat from killing sprees. Mighty Items.

Unlimited Levels (enter -ul command). 99% Bug Fixes. AI supported Screenshots: Note: - You need to enter -fun command at start to enable the fun mode. If you are experiencing any bugs/glitches, try entering -dm command before -fun to prevent them. If you still encounter any bug, you can report to Superwaitsum's. Related: DotA 6.78.

Spells: Acid Spray ( D) Sprays high-pressure acid across a target area. Hostile who step across the contaminated terrain take physical damage per second and have their armor reduced. Lasts for 16 seconds. Level 1 - 8 damage per second, reduces armor by 3. Level 2 - 16 damage per second, reduces armor by 4.

Level 3 - 24 damage per second, reduces armor by 5. Level 4 - 32 damage per second, reduces armor by 6. Damage type: mixed. This ability can hit magic immune units. The actual AoE of this ability is significantly larger than the visual effect. Casting range: 900.

Area of Effect: 775 Mana Cost: 160 Cooldown: 22 Unstable Concoction ( E) Razzil brews up an unstable concoction that he can throw at an enemy hero, to stun and deal damage. Razzil can brew for up to 5 seconds, each second increases the potency of the concoction. After the 5 seconds, there is a small buffer window. If Razzil does not throw the concoction soon after it will blow up and Razzil himself will suffer as if he was hit by the concoction.

Concoction can blow up mid air if fired too late. Level 1 - Up to 120 damage and 1.75 second stun Level 2 - Up to 180 damage and 2.5 second stun Level 3 - Up to 240 damage and 3.25 second stun Level 4 - Up to 300 damage and 4 second stun. Casting range: 775.

Duration: 5 seconds. Can only target enemy heroes. Damage type: physical.

Dota Imba 3.77 Ai Map

While brewing the concoction, Alchemist can still move around and take action. Frost Arrows: An orb skill with a low mana cost, FA is the very skill that enables Drow to be the unrelenting chaser that she is. It can be used early-game to harass to almost the same effect as deadlier laners such as Viper and Huskar, and on a defensive level, can be used to indefinitely kite melee heroes such as Axe and the Broodmother. Silence: While a three-second Silence can save you from a nasty gank in early-game, a six-second silence is more than enough for a skilled Drow to effortlessly dispatch more than one target towards the end. Silence is a great skill to take out squishy INT heroes and should be used to disable an enemy's disables before they fall on Drow.

Note that Silence does not stop the target from using items. Trueshot Aura: A great skill for significantly increasing your damage (as well as that of surrounding ranged allies). Note that Trueshot Aura only consider unit base damage and primary attribute increases - not raw damage items. For this reason, Drow's build forgoes items that give raw damage in favor of Agility bonuses - not only for Trueshot Aura, but for the IAS as well. Marksmanship: Although not the most exciting ultimate, Traxex's Marksmanship passively increases her damage by 45 (even more with Trueshot Aura), ASPD by 45%, and even armor by over 6 points as well.


Skill Build 1 - Frost Arrows2 - Silence3 - Frost Arrows4 - Stats5 - Frost Arrows6 - Marksmanship7 - Frost Arrows810 - Silence / Stats11 - Marksmanship1215 - Trueshot Aura16 - Marksmanship1719 - Stats / Silence2025 - Stats Justification One level of Frost Arrows is taken at level one to ensure lane domination right off the bat. Followed is a level of Silence to escape ganks and to provide even more offensive capabilities (for an easy first-blood against spellcasters). Frost Arrows is maxed as soon as possible for ganking and harassing purposes. In an easy lane, the combination of a 3-second silence as well as a constant orbwalking harass is more than enough to drive intelligent players back to the fountain and slay the ones not as bright. Stats are taken to boost Drow's HP slightly as well as to increase her damage.

After Frost Arrows is maxed, a choice must be made whether to take Silence or Stats. This choice is situational and up to your judgment. If facing a team heavy on casters, the choice is obvious and essential. If facing a melee lineup that is easy food, Stats may be the better route to take. Trueshot Aura is maxed last just at the time that the bonus damage truly begins to shine. By the time Drow hits 16, the aura itself should be adding a good amount of extra damage, further increasing her single target output. It is a wise choice not to underestimate the fluidity of the Drow Ranger's skill build; certainly, Trueshot Aura can be skilled earlier on in place of Stats and Silence if you feel like you need the extra bit of damage that it offers in the pursuit of controlling your lane.

Similarly, Silence can be skilled up earlier if the necessity arises. Understand that the above build is not a set rule, but rather a guide to the general idea of what a vanilla game would require. Starting Items Tangoes: For regenerative purposes.

With a nice range of 600, a spammable orb, as well as a 3-second silence, you shouldn't need many of these except in the more difficult of dual lanes. In the event that you do, just send your chicken back to pick some more up. Circlets: A basic stat item - increases HP and damage for an easier time laning. Circlets are upgraded to Wraith Bands later on. Slippers of Agility: To improve last-hitting and harassing, as well as to be turned into Wraith Bands later on. Grab these items and head off to your lane. Although Drow Ranger is a decent soloer, she works well in a dual-lane too, with a constant harass and spammable slow.

Dota 6.77 Ai Map Download

Core Items Wraith Bands: Wraiths help boost your HP and mana pool, as well as add a cheap source of damage and ASPD. Stack them as needed. Power Treads (STR): Give movespeed, HP, and IAS. Manta Style: The interaction between Drow and the new Manta Style is fantastic. Not only does it give movespeed, much needed HP, damage, IAS, and mana, but Mirror Images adds additional survivability and gives Drow even more pushing power than before and allows her to rax down the enemy base like no other. Frost Arrows works beautifully with images, as it slows down the target immensely, allowing your images time to pound on the helpless hero.

Latest Ai Map Dota

Additionally, learning how to dodge stuns (Hellfire Blast, Storm Bolt, etc.) with Manta Style can save you from a potentially disastrous situation. TP: Never leave home without one.

Situational & Luxury Items Below is a list of situational and luxury items that work well on Drow, and excel under certain circumstances. As the game progresses on, judge carefully what you feel you are lacking in and need. While the following are all good items on Traxex, some work better than others against the enemy lineup - it is up for you to gauge what you need the most.