Gold Company Game Of Thrones 4,0/5 789 reviews

The Golden Company is a company of sellswords founded by the. The captain-general's tent is made of cloth-of-gold. ↑ A Game of Thrones RPG and Resource.

  1. Game Of Thrones Season 7

Game Of Thrones Season 7

Warning: SPOILERS for the Game of Thrones season 7 finale ahead! – As expected, the had some major and. However, what should have come as no surprise was Cersei publicly agreeing to do one thing, while secretly scheming to do something else entirely. After witnessing the terrifying wight brought back from the north and being negotiated with by Tyrion, Cersei seemingly agrees to not only a truce but to lend her forces to those of Daenerys and Jon in order to fight the Night King. Except, that’s just what she says she’ll do.

What Cersei really intends to do is let the Stark and Targaryen armies either be defeated by the Night King or wear themselves out fighting him, leaving her armies to clean up whatever’s left. Of course, the Lannister army is pretty well decimated thanks to Drogon, but Cersei has seen to this, using the gold taken from Highgarden (and possibly another loan from the Iron Bank) to hire the greatest mercenary army in the world — The Golden Company of Essos. Who are they and why is their hiring so significant? Let’s break it down. The Golden Company of Essos.


Like Daario Naharis’ Seconds Sons or the Stormcrows hired by Ser Davos to serve Stannis, The Golden Company are a group of sellswords or mercenaries (though they prefer being called a brotherhood of exiles). For a price, they’ll ally their armies with yours and help you win your next battle. Most sellswords are notoriously disloyal and if your opponent pays a larger sum, they’ll switch sides almost instantly. The Golden Company, however, has a reputation for never breaking a contract and are ruthless with those who break with them. Their motto is “ Our word is as good as gold,” and being the largest and most famous of the sellsword companies that operate in the Disputed Lands (a region of Essos which the Free Cities constantly war over), they are also the most expensive. Founded by one of Aegon IV Targaryen’s legitimized bastards, Aegon Rivers (AKA “Bittersteel”), The Golden Company came about in the aftermath of the First Blackfyre Rebellion — during which Aegon IV’s bastard son, Daemon Blackfyre tried to usurp the throne from Aegon’s trueborn son, Daeron II — and originally consisted of those exiled lords and knights who had backed Blackfyre.

Gold Company Game Of ThronesGame of thrones recap

That trend of enlisting exiles from Westeros continues even today, for example, Jorah Mormont, himself a Westerosi exile, took up with The Golden Company when he first came to Essos before swearing allegiance to Viserys, and later, Daenerys Targaryen. Under Bittersteel and his various heirs, The Golden Company became an immensely disciplined army, able to quickly assemble and march on the enemy after even the most chaotic of landings. In addition to infantry and mounted knights, The Golden Company is also said to have a few elephants in their ranks. As an added bonus of intimidation, their officers and generals proudly display their wealth in ornate swords, fine silks, or with gilded skulls displayed above their banners, and it’s said that each member wears an arm ring of gold for every year of service. Hiring The Golden Company is an expensive endeavor, but it’s a move that can practically guarantee victory — assuming, of course, you don’t don’t double cross them or refuse to pay.

Filed Under, & In the fourth episode of Season 7,. But before you polish off the Iron Throne for Dany, Cersei has a card up her sleeve that could change the tide in her favor: the Golden Company. If you haven’t read the, that name-drop might have been a “golden what now?” Here’s what you need to know. In her short scene with Iron Bank rep Tycho Nestoris in “The Spoils of War,” Cersei says, “I need to expand my armies, my navies. My hand Qyburn has made overtures to the Golden Company in Essos.” The Golden Company is the largest and most expensive army of exiled sellswords in The Free. It’s basically an army filled with mercenaries — people like Bronn, Daario Naharis, and Jorah (Jorah was actually a member of the Golden Company for a bit before joining Dany’s crew.) They were briefly referenced in Season 4 when Davos floated the idea of hiring them by Stannis Baratheon.

Sign up for our newsletter: sign up Cersei and Tycho Nestoris talk about the Golden Company in 'Game of Thrones' Season 7. The Golden Company was started by a Targaryen bastard,. He was a legitimized bastard of, one of the worst Targaryen Kings. They are notorious sticklers for their contract, just as Lannisters are sticklers for paying debts. However, in A Feast For Crows, they break contract with the Free City of Myr — that’s right, the place where Thoros, is from. In the books, they’re part of a plot line involving a possibly long-lost Targaryen(Targaryen(sonofRhaegar)) that never made it into the show. It’s unlikely Game of Thrones will introduce a new character when it only has nine episodes left.

Instead, the Golden Company will likely entangle with pre-existing characters, if they show up at all. The best contenders at the moment?, or Jorah, since he has ties to it. Cersei has the gold needed to hire the Golden Company — that part of the loot train had already safely made its way to King’s Landing when Dany attacked.

But, in the ultimate twist of irony, if the Targaryen, bastard-founded Golden Company gives Cersei an advantage to bring down Daenerys, it will be the legacy of another Targaryen who takes them down. Game of Thrones Season 7 is currently airing Sunday nights on HBO. You've read that, now watch this: 'In A Dark, Dark Room - The Green Ribbon - The Holidaze'.