Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon Rom German 3,7/5 2771 reviews

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ROM Download for NDS Fire Emblem - Shadow Dragon. Thank you for selecting the FIRE EMBLEM™: SHADOW DRAGON Game Card. English, German, French. For newcomers to the Fire Emblem series. Download the game Fire Emblem - Shadow Dragon Europe ROM for NDS / Nintendo DS. Free and instant download.

Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon Rom

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There are many games and different playstyles, as such there is no true way to play. Enjoy the series to your liking! Spoiler tag: FE7(#s 'Beware the Black Fang!' ) The above spoiler tag only works in self-posts and comments, not post titles. Mods will respond appropriately to violations of the rules to the degree at which they are broken.

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Be descriptive and spoiler-free in titling submissions. Please use the Question Thread for your quick questions. Some with fully custom stories, sprites, maps and game mechanics.

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If you need help getting started we have a guide. If you have any questions regarding FE4, you can check 's guides for and.

If you're new to the series, check out 's! Also check out his guide on. Related subreddits. Fan sites:. Flair filtering. This is operating off of a pretty hazy memory, as it's been a while, but: Good: The two ones I remember liking the most are Merric and of course Est. Nobody else really stuck out in my mind.

Marth is unfortunately very bad and has a level cap of 30 instead of actually promoting:/ Avoid: Any and all characters which are already promoted when you recruit them. FE:SD takes the 'pre-promoted units suck' idea from every other Fire Emblem game and significantly amplifies it. Re-classes: Unfortunately, Shadow Dragon is a very unbalanced game because, presumably to be true to the original, it has Skill, Speed, and Luck at 1/2 their normal effectiveness when it comes to accuracy and evasion. In other words, Skill and Speed give you 1% accuracy and 1% evasion respectively, down from the other games' 2%, and Luck gives you 0.5% accuracy and 0.5% evasion. The end result of this is that any class whose primary defense is evasion (like Swordmasters and Falcoknights) is very gimped as they have pretty much no survivability. Reclasses are free if I recall, so feel free to experiment and re-class towards your characters' strengths, but don't expect to get much mileage out of those classes (or, by extension, those characters who have high Speed, Skill, and Luck growths).

The ones who rely on Attack, Magic, Defense and/or Resistance are definitely the best in this game. Should you be killing people: I don't know; I never did. Each extra chapter gives you a character, but those characters are, with one or two exceptions, pre-promoted (see above), so it's probably not worth it. Since this is a remake of the original FE (to some degree) the units here aren't 'Good' in the traditional sense.

Everyone's expected # of stat ups per level is like 2 (if you're lucky) instead of the usual 3-3.5 (think Ike and Ephraim). Must use characters: Marth: Obvious one here as he is your main lord. He doesn't class change, but he wont hurt from it. Frey: He isnt in hard mode, but he is basically the best cavalier in the game and if class changed into a sniper he just wrecks house Cain/Abel: basically just choose one, both end up great. They follow the normal red/green cavalier rules and Abel usually ends up better Barst:Basically like Dart from FE7, just a complete badass with great growths.

He is the best axe user in the game. Ogma:IMO better than Ceaser. He shows up earlier and has better growths and you dont have to arena grind him to make him good Shiida: Wing Spear makes her great, she can be very squishy and reminds me a lot of Florina in terms of stats but still great Julian: He is a great thief and can actually hold is own in a fight Lena: Great healer and once she class changes she will deal nice damage too, usually the first character to hit promoted lvl 20 Nabarl/Athena: Athena is only available if you have less than 15 characters by the end of chapter 6. Essentially ether of them are good, Athena has lower health, strength and luck though Merric: going to be your best magic user most of the game unless you class change, usually even if you do. Catria: Every time I have played i've used her and she just destroys. Generally she is a better Dracoknight over shiida as she has a bit more def/health but class changing means you can make the squishier one into another class of your choice. Est: if you have played FE7 or 8 she has growths that are awesome like Nino and Ewan.

The only downside is you need to arena grind her to make her viable and you have to do that with her as a pegasus knight where she is usually better as a Myrmidon/swordmaster Gotoh/Nagi/Tiki: nagi and Tiki are interchangeable basically the same. Gotoh is a great sage to have as you will only have a few magic users Beck: Better ballistician than jake Wold/Sedgar: So they are really wierd. Both are pre-premote Horsemen so generally you would think not to use them, BUT they have some of the best growths in FE history behind Karel in FE6. If you make Wolf a general he is unstoppable as his def growth is amazing.

Sedgar can stay a Horseman and be great, just dont use ether of them until a few chapters after you get them or the suck EXP Other decent/sometimes units: Hardin: can be a good replacement for Cain or Abel if they both die, usually they will be better though Bord/Cord: if you change them early enough they could both be good dark mages, however dark mages in this game are meh. Droug/roger/dolph: You can use any of these if you are doing a non-class change run through. Rocket bowl games. Droug is decent and grows decently and you get him early, bad attack growth though. Roger has super high luck and the highest attack growths for the knights but super bad speed. Dolph is the most tanky with the highest health and defense and IMO the best of the 3, he just shows up much later than Droug. Basically any of the 3 work, just dont use Macellan, he is aweful.

Norne: This is another non-class change run only character as Frey will be a better archer. Norne will be miles better than Gordin and Tomas though. Much better speed and slightly better skill and attack Maria: If Lena died, then Maria is a good replacement Minerva: Actually can be pretty good if your other flyers died, also she can be pretty good as any class if you change her. Linde if Merric died shes pretty useful if you are ok with arena grinding. Pretty good magic growth and comes with the Aura tome.