Magnetism And Its Effects On The Living System Pdf
The following is a very basic introduction to the incredible researches of Albert Roy Davis and Walter Rawls. Davis is no longer living, but Rawls currently lives in Florida around Jacksonville. We highly recommend the purchase of the following books detailing the researches of these two brilliant investigators. 'Magnetism and its Effects on the Living System' Explains for the first time how magnetism affects your life and the life of all living systems around you. The result of years of investigation into the laws of magnetism, it explains the discovery that a magnet has not one effect on the living system but TWO EFFECTS, each supplied by the two forms of energy transmitted from each pole.
You or any other qualified person can reproduce the projects in this book. (Illustrated) - 'The Magnetic Effect' In this book, Davis and Rawls present and discuss biomagnetic experiments and research that have been successfully duplicated by members of the orthodox scientific community.
The authors reveal the factual, natural basis of applied biomagnetic energies and add greatly to the understanding of this new and exciting field. The computer-exact and reproducible findings in this work apply to the treatment of such conditions as arthritis, cancer, glaucoma, sexual problems, and aging. 'The Magnetic Blueprint of Life' Written with forcefulness and precision, this is a comprehensive guide to the effect of magnetism upon the air we breathe, the food we eat, the exercise we take.
Download and Read Magnetism And Its Effects On The Living System Magnetism And Its Effects On The Living System Spend your time even for only few minutes to read a book.
It is an eloquent plea to the scientific community to reconsider the significance of basic magnetism.' The most important energy in Nature.' - BioMagnetics Part 1 by Jerry W. Decker with information from 'The Magnetic Effect' by Albert Roy Davis and Walter C.
Rawls One of the most important series of experiments ever done and yet still not widely known, were those carried out by Albert Roy Davis in conjunction with Walter Rawls. These experiments are FUNDAMENTAL to an understanding of magnetic forces and are to this day not being used widely because many have never heard of them. They found that each pole of a magnet has SPECIFIC effects that are quite different from those of a full magnet where both poles are applied simultaneously. These polar effects are deemed 'mono-polar' for one pole.
The poles spin in opposite directions and have opposite properties. Specifically, North Pole energies cause mass to contract and condense, rotating in a CCW direction, while South Pole energies cause mass to expand and dissipate, rotating in a CW direction. Also, North Pole energies have alkaline properties while South Pole energy is acid.
Magnetism And Its Effects On The Living System
North pole energies tend to collect fluids while South Pole energies dissipate fluids. North pole energy is referred to as negative because it reduces or attracts, while South pole energy is referred to as positive because it expands and dissipates.
Since magnetic monopole magnets are not available at just any Wal- Mart store, they chose to use the longest possible bar or cylinder magnets they could acquire which would allow for the greatest separation of the two opposite energies. It was found that use of a North Pole would provide an energetic environment which would cause cancer cells to contract and die out. This energetic environment also has other healthy applications as detailed in their many books. I had the pleasure of visiting with Walter Rawls one afternoon at his office in Jacksonville, Florida several years back. We discussed many things including Keely, of which he had never heard.
Rawls mailing address is Walter Rawls ARD Research Lab PO BOX 655 Green Cove Springs, Florida 32043 (904) 264-8564 beginoftheskypehighlighting (904) 264-8564 FREE endoftheskypehighlighting Should you wish to carry out your own experiments with magnets as blazed by these pioneers, here are some helpful tips. CORRECT POLE IDENTIFICATION First, you need to understand how to correctly identify the polarity of any magnet. In Davis/Rawls own words: 'The North pole of a magnet seeks a South pole; likewise, a South pole seeks a North pole.
The North pole of a magnet is NOT the North-SEEKING pole, nor is the South pole the South-SEEKING pole. In fact, the North-SEEKING pole of a magnet is ACTUALLY the South pole! The South-SEEKING pole of a magnet is the North pole.
The rule to remember is OPPOSITES ATTRACT and SIMILARS REPEL. Test a magnet for correct usage by identifying the separate poles correctly. Using a bar or cylinder magnet, tie a thread around the exact center of the magnet, with the thread having a loose end. Tie the loose end of the thread to any stationary overhang that allows the magnet to turn without hindrance in space.
When the magnet stops turning, the end of the magnet pointing in the direction of the earth's North pole is the South pole of the magnet. You may need a simple compass to determine the earth's North pole direction. After you have determined the South pole of the magnet, mark that pole end with red fingernail polish or paint. Once you have one magnet properly identified for North and South poles this magnet can be used to IDENTIFY the North and South poles of OTHER magnets. (They use the color RED to indicate danger and thus avoid it for biological experiments. The reason being that since it causes a swelling of tissue, the fluids flow more freely, it accelerates life and growth.
If you have a bacteria or disease, it will also ACCELERATE its growth and so can be quite dangerous.) For example, if we bring the South pole of any magnet up to another magnet's pole, a REPELLING force shows that the pole of the unknown magnet is the South pole. An ATTRACTING force shows that the unknown pole is the North pole.
You may wish to purchase a small inexpensive magnetometer. The sensitive needle of this instrument moves in one direction or the other depending on the separate magnetic pole in close vicinity. The law of magnetism is a PRIMARY law of nature: Like forces REPEL - unlike forces ATTRACT. ESTIMATING FIELD STRENGTH Magnetic field strength is measured in units called gauss. Since magnets are not sold with this value printed on them and gaussmeters are expensive, you need a way to determine the approximate field strength. Magnets are generally sold by their LIFTING power. That is, a horseshoe magnet is offered as having a lifting power, when placed against a piece of heavy metal, of 2 pounds to 25 pounds to 50 pounds, depending on the size, type, or kind of magnet.
As a guide to the approximate gauss of commercial magnets, consider the following: A magnet having a lifting power of 2 pounds may vary from 500 to 600 gauss units; a lifting power of 5 pounds may vary from 900 to 1200 gauss; a lifting power of 25 pounds is usually around 2000 gauss; with 50 pounds lifting power, 3500 to 4500 gauss. For more precise measurement, an equipment aid, such as a magnetometer, should be employed. Care must be taken to properly determine which pole is North and which is South, based on the above criteria. When I was visiting with Walter in Florida, he very kindly gave me an assortment of magnets and books as well as an interesting meter that is used to measure the field strength AND POLARITY of a magnet.
This meter allows you to quickly and accurately determine what pole is North or South. It also has instructions for helping to determine the field strength. The meter sells for $50 and is a quick way to VISUALLY determine the polarity of any magnet. CARE AND HANDLING OF MAGNETS To prevent breakage and loss of magnetic power, you should never drop or strike the magnet with a sharp blow. Not only can it chip but it can also lose magnetic energy. Magnets should never be stored in a hot location.
Most magnets lose ALL their power at temperatures from 400 to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. The loss occurs at the CURIE point, where the magnetic domains are no longer aligned and become chaotic.
After using a magnet, you should place both ends of the magnet against a structure of flat metal. This will allow the magnet to maintain its original strength. Such a structure is called a 'keeper.'
Magnets should be kept away from each other. If placed where the poles of separate magnets repel, there could be a 'bleeding-off' of the energy. A loss of energy in this manner would be rapid. WHY YOU SHOULD NOT USE ELECTROMAGNETS Very effective and powerful magnets are made by passing electrical energy through a coil of wire having a metal, iron, or steel core. However, there is a difference between the magnetism produced in this manner and the magnetism from a solid state bar or metal composition magnet. Magnetism HAS A FREQUENCY. It also has motion.
The rate of vibration depends on the size, length, width, and power of the magnet. Solid state composition magnets, such as metal, iron and steel, are CONSTANT in their rate of vibration DEPENDING on their structure. An electromagnet, however, may present a number of different types of vibrations. Any kind of electromagnet has many turns of insulated wire.
Each turn of this wire presents so many lines of magnetism. Actually, we have discovered that these lines of force are really CABLES of force, as explained in our earlier publications. (See RAWLS1.ASC and RAWLS1.GIF on KeelyNet) However, a coil wound a certain number of turns has a different frequency from a fixed metal or composition magnet. As the coil heats, the resistance to the flow of current INCREASES. Here we have a SLOW DROP in magnetic lines, or cables, of force to a RISE IN FORCE, depending upon the wire and core materials used for construction. Therefore, the vibrations supplied by the electromagnet are NOT AS CONSTANT as those from the metal or composition magnet.
Our research has revealed that size, width, and overall length of a magnet GOVERNS FREQUENCY in electrical electron vibrations. This is a discovery not known by the general scientific community, because wee have not published our scientific materials on this research finding. We are working on this discovery in the establishment of provable laws that we will disclose when completed. We feel confident this future disclosure will open new avenues that neither we nor the general scientific community could properly comprehend at this time. (printed in The Magnetic Effect in 1975) - I asked Walter about this frequency business with magnets and at that time, he would not disclose how the measurements were made as it was proprietary to their company, BioMagnetics International. There are over 36 international patents based on the Davis/Rawls discoveries.
Also at the time I spoke with Walter, he said they had developed a couch that could DIAGNOSE problem areas in the body with an accuracy of 99%. It uses magnets to create a response in the body to indicate an infected or diseased location. This response is described in the books listed above and has to do with a contraction of tissue when in the presence of a North pole energy. It is interesting that the Floyd (Sparky) Sweet Vacuum Triode uses magnets that are 'tuned' to the 60 cps frequency. This allows the device to pull in space energy at a frequency that requires no alteration to run off the shelf devices.
We also understand he has 'pulled' as much as 3000 watts of free energy directly from this space energy source, also called the ZPE or hyperspace or virtual flux. The magnets are put under a tremendous stress by placing like poles against one another, then binding them together, this effectively creates a giant magnet with spatial stress bubble. All that is listed on KeelyNet as SWEET1 through SWEET4 and the diagrams are listed as VTAPAK.ZIP. The device also appears to be LOCALE DEPENDENT, meaning that it works better in some areas than others. To our knowledge, no one has yet publicly admitted to successfully duplicating the Sweet device. We are told Sweet is under a Secrecy Order by the United States government that forbids his discussing or working further with his own discovery.
If he'd only 'slip' a copy of the plans out, we'd be very happy to distribute them across the computer networks and to many other researchers who would make it a reality for all.

Author by: Don Elwood Language: en Publisher by: BalboaPress Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 52 Total Download: 952 File Size: 50,7 Mb Description: A GARDENING HANDBOOK FOR OBTAINING THE MOST PRODUCE FOR THE LEAST COST, ENERGY, AND SWEAT. IT’S A BOOK FOR BACK YARD GARDENERS OF THE AQUARIAN AGE.
THE BOOK CONTAINS EXCELLENT GARDENING ADVICE FOR THE 30 MILLION BABY BOOMERS THAT ARE ABOUT TO RETIRE AND (TRY) TO LIVE ON THEIR SOCIAL SECURITY CHECKS. Author by: Don Elwood Language: en Publisher by: BalboaPress Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 21 Total Download: 988 File Size: 48,7 Mb Description: The Mayan God Kings had been blessing the crops of Maya with Reiki prayers when the white brothers from Europe arrived. It was decided to keep the details of Reiki Prayers a secret from the white brothers until the Age of Pisces was over. They etched secrets of the Reiki Prayer process, onto coded glyphs on an animal skin called, the Dresden Codex. See the illustration from the Dresden Codex, on the back cover, of a Mayan God King praying or their crops. They predicted that the secrets would again be deciphered by December 12, 2012.
Man is the only triune being in the animal kingdom. He consists of a conscious self (the only self that communicates in languages), a subconscious self, which communicates by emotions, and, a HIGH SELF (or the Father above.) All three are involved in a Reiki + MANNA prayer task. The conscious self must first describe the prayer, in terms the subconscious self relates to. He then imagines he is standing in water. (MANNA is interpreted by the subconscious self, as a prayer substance (i.e. Like WATER.) that can flow up thru a tube.) The conscious self notifies his subconscious self, to: accumulate manna through breathing cycles, send it up the Aka cord, (i.e. In the back), up to the HIGH SELF above, and ask the “HIGH SELF” to accumulate MANNA, MANNA, LOA, and request God to rain down the prayer results, to the earth below.
The lower right, symbolizes a man reincarnated during the Age of Aquarius, standing in water with his back to us, (i.e. Symbolizing the AKA cord up his back), using both HANDS, (for praying) to obtain heavenly responses (i.e.
Stars, in the water from the jug), as it flows down to the earth below. According to the book, Knocking At The Gate, it is the Age when: Man can ascend into Heaven WHILE STILL ALIVE, as Jesus suggested.Extra terrestrials will help evacuate people to other planets before God makes necessary changes to the earth, and after the Earth changes have been made, return them. And, if you are still here, do as the Christian Bible says: RUN, don’t walk, to the mountains, and grow a garden in your back yard.
Author by: Vladimir N. Binhi Language: en Publisher by: Elsevier Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 80 Total Download: 650 File Size: 43,7 Mb Description: People are immersed in electromagnetic fields from such sources as power lines, domestic appliances, mobile phones, and even electrical storms. All living beings sense electric fields, but the physical origins of the phenomenon are still unclear. Magnetobiology considers the effects of electromagnetic fields on living organisms. It provides a comprehensive review of relevant experimental data and theoretical concepts, and discusses all major modern hypotheses on the physical nature of magnetobiological effects.
It also highlights some problems that have yet to be solved and points out new avenues for research. Why do some people feel unwell during a lightning storm? Why is there a correlation between the level of electromagnetic background and the incidence of cancer? Why do so many medical centers use electromagnetic exposures to treat a wide variety of disorders in humans? The international scientific community is extremely interested in a theory of magnetobiology and the answers to these and other questions, as evidenced by the growing number of research associations in the United States, Europe, and other parts of the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has named electromagnetic contamination in occupational and residential areas as a stress factor for human beings.
This book stands out among recent texts on magnetobiology because it draws on a strong foundation of empirical and theoretical evidence to explain the various effects of magnetic fields on the human body. It contains the first comprehensive collection of experimental data bearing physical information, frequency and amplitude/power spectra, and original research data on how electromagnetic fields interfere with ions and molecules inside the proteins of living organisms. Introduction is written so that it will be understandable to a wide scientific community regardless of their specialisation First comprehensive collection of experimental data bearing physical information, frequency and amplitude/power spectra Original theoretical research data on the interference of ions and molecules inside proteins Appendix covers physical questions most relevant for magnetobiology. In particular there is an original exposition of the magnetic resonance basic principles. Author by: Jose Luis Hinojosa Language: en Publisher by: Nova Publishers Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 17 Total Download: 751 File Size: 51,7 Mb Description: This book is intended as a practical guide, reference, and motivational tool for all who are interested in the use of magnets for the purposes of improving sleep, decreasing stress, improving energy levels, relieving discomforts, and improving overall health and wellness.
Health Care Professionals will take a special interest in this book because, if nothing else, we are in the business of caring for others' health concerns. It is thus, imperative that we become better informed regarding complementary approaches to Health Care.
Author by: Cyndi Dale Language: en Publisher by: Sounds True Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 29 Total Download: 666 File Size: 46,7 Mb Description: Welcome to the first comprehensive encyclopedia of the human energetic anatomy. Here is a reference that no personal or professional health-care library should be without—an in-depth, illustrated guide to the invisible energies of the spirit, psyche, and consciousness that influence every aspect of our well-being. Whether you are looking for the right complementary medicine to enhance your own healing practice, seeking perennial wisdom about your body’s energetic nature from world traditions, or exploring the quantum edge of intention-based care, The Subtle Body is an indispensible companion for exploring virtually any facet of holistic healing. Created for healing professionals and patients alike, this volume provides a lexicon of terms, illustrations, and detailed entries about our energetic biology and how it relates to our physical being. This invaluable information will help you enhance any form of health care and give you the knowledge you need to develop an integrated approach for your clients’ well-being—or your own. All healers are 'energetic' healers, whether they know it or not. Because every health issue has a physical and an energetic component, even a simple physical treatment like bandaging a cut also impacts the body's spiritual, mental, and emotional welfare.
The Subtle Body is a comprehensive encyclopedia devoted to the critical world of our invisible anatomy, where so much of healing actually occurs. Compiled by intuitive healer and scholar Cyndi Dale, this 500-page full color illustrated reference book covers: What is the 'subtle body'?
Author by: Donald A. Language: en Publisher by: AuthorHouse Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 59 Total Download: 227 File Size: 41,5 Mb Description: Donald A. Dahlin, a retired chiropractor, decided that people may be greatly helped by the knowledge he had acquired of natural healing and the use of life energy; from training and experience in psychotherapy and a system by Russian mystic G.I. Gurdjieff, that helped him resolve past hypnosis, and through insights he had gained from his psychic experiences as well as his challenge of the Christian faith. Optimum Self-Government means becoming able to have greater spiritual awareness and control over one’s postulates: mind, health and behavior. You will also be guided to explore life energy and use it to examine and treat your body, to monitor your health with instant biofeedback, examine your spiritual mind and your animal mind (blue print of the body), to explore the world of extra-sensory perception to converse with people, plants and animals, the power of prayer, etc.
You will find a new reality that is priceless! Author by: Donald A. Dahlin Language: en Publisher by: Xlibris Corporation Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 76 Total Download: 199 File Size: 40,7 Mb Description: This book is intended as a spiritual sword into the utter complacency of Christian orthodoxy! The message and practices found in this book are spiritually guaranteed to reveal your hidden potentials and change your life to the degree that you read and apply its progressive and practical approach. The true message of Jesus was obscured in orthodox Christian practices fulfilling the promise: and greater works than this shall ye do (John 14: 12) The total message of Jesus was given during the latter portion of his life; it was simple and not of great length; it might fill a few pages or a chapter of a book. The message appeared fragmented but told of spiritual knowledge that one could attain through a system of self-government woven between parables or proverbs of human behavior with moral and spiritual percepts.
I found that Jesus had learned an approach that would help his fellowman.that was composed of five factors: (1) a spiritual understanding of the soul and the mind, (2) the relationship of spiritual consultations and meditation as means of gaining spiritual knowledge, (3) the power of prayer is a telepathic phenomenon:for healing, curses, and for extra-sensory perception! (4) the laying on of hands for healing ones self or others, (5) the ability of the body to heal itself from many ailments by fasting. Experimenting with the power of intention (as prayer) I also learned a progressive means of extra-sensory perception that went into contact with chemicals, people, plants and animals.
Having a chiropractic background, I was in physical contact with people and learned that x-ray vision is also possible! Ill tell you about each of the chapters in my book a little later. First, I want you to know why this approach is correct. Jesus was a Gnostic! The Greek word gnos means knowingness or knowledge in the fullest sense of the word; it was a special knowledge of spiritual things.
Gnosticism was a mystical religious and philosophical doctrine of early Christian times. Gnostics claimed that spiritual knowledge, rather than faith, was essential to salvation. Salvation in a Gnostic sense would mean a spiritual search for knowledge toward perfection, becoming a free spirit and recognizing ones relationship to a spiritual universe (heaven) created by the Supreme Being. Otherwise, an orthodox definition of salvation would mean a deliverance from sin, and from punishment for sin; redemption. The Gnostic Christian seeks to discover the truth about God and spiritual matters through personal experience or revelation (as intuition, insight or cognition) by counseling (psyche-guidance) and meditation. It is the opposite to being told what to believe.
Jesus was a true Gnostic when he said: My doctrine is not mine, but his who sent me. If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. (John 7: 16, 17) This teaching implies that anybody, anywhere at any time could know the truth through his own recognition of what he was teaching his disciples. Jesus did not have to be on another planet to preach, to be crucified on the cross, etc.
In order for his message to be known! Be ye perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. (Matthew 5: 48) Jesus also said: If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. (John 8: 32) Paul, the apostle of Jesus referred to this (Gnostic) concept: Be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may find what is the good, and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans: 12: 2) Learn to challenge! It was a warning against mind control through hypnotic means or agreement without understandng! The 'renewing of your mind' is done through private meditation, not through someones interpretation.