Sherwood Awac-1 Dive Computer Manual

SHERWOOD SCUBA is one of the world's leading dive equipment manufacturers supplying dive operations and resorts around the world. Aug 05, 2017 Hello, I just bought a used sherwood awac-1 dive computer for my vacation. Unfortunately the seller did not include the instruction manual.
A diving decompression computer, often simply called a dive computer, is a personal decompression computer/metre device used by underwater divers to accurately measure the time and depth of a dive so that a safe descent and ascent can be calculated and displayed. This is for the diver’s safety to avoid fatal decompression sickness. Dive computers act as automatic computerised decompression tables and perform continuous calculations of the depth and movement of divers including pressure of inert gasses in the body. Unlike in the days before dive computers, divers no longer have to carry old and separate dive watches and depth gauges. Aside from automatically measuring depth and time, dive computers also warn of excessive ascent rates, missed decompression stops, air and water temperature, and additional information like data to prevent oxygen toxicity, a dive log that can be simultaneously recorded on a computer, and remaining breathing gas in the oxygen cylinder. All information on a diving decompression computer is important as part of the diver’s personal log of all diving activities.
It is equally important when medical reviews come up or during legal cases following diving accidents. Dive computers benefit divers so they are able to remain underwater for longer periods with no additional danger. This is particularly beneficial for long period recreational, scientific, and military diving operations to safely calculate decompression schedules especially on multi-level dives. Today’s modern dive computers have come a long way from the analog decompression computer prototypes first created by the Scripps Institute of Oceanography and the U.S.
Sherwood Dive Computer Awac-1 User Manual

Dive Equipment
Office of Naval Research back in 1957. It was the size of an inflated kidney bladder. Modern diving decompression computers such as the Shearwater NERD (Near Eye Remote Display), Petrel OC/CC EXT, and Petrel OC/CC Standalone are either wrist or arm attached or mounted on the diver’s rebreather mouthpiece. Modern dive computers such as Shearwater products are all created as line-of-sight devices. Each has Micro LCD display and magnifying lens so the data appears as if displayed on a 32 inch TV screen even from 12 inches away. Urdu law books.