Bounty Huntress 2 3,5/5 2141 reviews
Bounty Huntress 2

When dangerous mob defector Franco goes on the run and eludes the D.A.' S office, they turn to their secret weapon - a gorgeous and lethal bounty huntress who goes only by the name of J.C. With a flawless record and a deadly determination, J.C. Hunts down Franco in record time. But what she doesn't expect is that Franco is holding evidence that proves his innocence and incriminates the very people who hired J.C. Now, she must race to find the truth, and protect the man she was hired to catch. The DVD cover shows a knock-off of Lara Croft, but the woman on the cover does not appear in the movie.

Highlander soundtrack youtube. It's NOT an adventure movie, just some lame soft-core police thriller with sex scenes that end abruptly, as if the actors (using that term loosely) changed their minds about being naked in the movie. One great scene near the end has the bounty huntress talking to her captive, and you can see the shadow of the soundman adjusting his microphone- VERY distracting! However, don't take that as a recommendation- not even as MST3K cheese! This one's a loser.

Bounty huntress 2 cast

Bounty Huntress 2 Cast

Summary collage: The following collage image represents a summary of the full video available to our members.