Scarlet Weather Rhapsody Zip
Return to the Music CD pages. 全人類ノ天楽録 東方緋想天 ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK (zenjinrui no tengakuroku tōhō. Controls Scarlet Weather Rhapsody may be played using either a keyboard or a gamepad.
November 28th 2011 Posted in, by Yukari-sama As with Hisoutensoku, Tasofro has recently released an update for the standard version of Scarlet Weather Rhapsody. We’ve updated the patch accordingly; you can download it.
Make sure that SWR is updated to version 1.06a before attempting to install the patch; you can get the game patch from Tasofro’s webpage. You can find a full changelog for this patch after the break.
Updated for v1.06a. Fixed the clipping of the left side of some text. Profile names now support SJIS correctly. Several typo and alignment fixes.
Fixed several bugged win quotes. Added Reisen’s missing win quote. Fixed loader not handling the version correctly. A big thanks to mauve for the work in getting this put together! I’m also running Win 7 x64 Ultimate. I got the 1.06a update working but when I try to install the English patch it wants to find versions of the files in the Touhou directory but with an ‘e’ apended at the end of them.

It looks for th105e.exe, th105e.dll (a dll that doesn’t even exist in there without the ‘e’), th105e.dat, and a th105ereadme.txt. I’ve tried renaming them which doesn’t work and the patch won’t even select the correct directory without the.exe being named correctly. Did I miss a step maybe? Ran some additional tests.
Basically, I do a fresh install of SWR, apply the 1.06a patch, then the English 1.1 patch. It seems to be isolated to 64-bit machines. I tried two different 64-bit installations, one with Win7Ent64 and the other Win7Ult64. The patched binary outright crashes (th105e.exe). The unpatched one (th105.exe) works just fine, however. I go to my netbook which runs Win7Pro32. Both executables work just fine, exactly the same configuration.
I don’t have any Vista installs to test this out on, though. Basically I am having the same or variation of the problem everyone else is reporting. With a fresh install that already has an “th105e”.exe, that wont lauch. It will act like it is, but then stops, with no error message or any kind of notifications. So, naturally I went about trying gall the solutions mentioned here and other places.
I have downloaded both 106 and 106a versions of both the patch update and the English patcher. I have done this multiple times with multiple variations to ensure pathfiles were correct and such. NOTHING works. I feel like I am close after using the th105 update 106a patch then using the eniglish 1.1a patcher. When I try running the th105e (tried both with or without using the mauve th105.exe “fix” file above), and NOW it pops a error window saying “This requires v1.06a, please patch to that version.” I KNOW I did that, the file I used is “th105update106a”. So why doesnt it work?

It makes no sense that after patching for 106a that it still want to be pathed for it! Sigh I am extremely frustrated right now. It like I have a differnet problem than every one else, or that no one worded it in the same way and I cant figure out the solutuon even though its there. Is it possible to get a re-zip of one thats been patched correctly and is KNOWN to work on another machine? Preferable Windows 7 64 as that is what I use ANY help would be great and VERY much appreciated.
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