Montessori Curriculum Pdf
2014–2015 Curriculum Guide i Middle School Misson Statement The mission of the Montessori Middle School is to educate the minds and the hearts of its students in a.
Preparing the Environment The information presented on these pages will be most effective only when the rest of the Montessori curriculum is being implemented. For example, if you are observing disorder in the child's ability to master our language, your first remedy is to address the disorder in the child's environment (both the physical space and his/her routines). You can also read our post about of your environment. Organizing the child's space and routines is a rich art that is an integrated part of the Montessori 3-6 program. Why is this so important? Isn't organization primarily needed by the teacher so s/he can find what s/he needs to teach the children? Yes, but there is much more to it.

The child absorbs the input s/he receives from the environmental directly into the neuronal framework within the brain. The structure of the brain is directly altered by the child's interactions with her environment. So don't skimp on your work to prepare and maintain the classroom. It is critical that the environment we offer children be organized, free from clutter, logical, and aesthetically just plain lovely.
Montessori Kindergarten Curriculum Pdf
If there is anything in your room above the child's eye level, take it down or cover it up. We must allow the eye to focus on what we have prepared for it. If you have storage or things only meant for teacher use, put them out of sight.
We must not distract the eye with extraneous information. (For more information on the research behind this point, see our blog post on The lesson plans linked below are derived from the founder of Maitri's AMI Montessori Albums. If you are not a trained Montessori directress/director (teacher/guide), get trained! Visit for details. There is much more to this amazing educational method than just the materials. Be sure to practice your presentation alone or with a friend many times before presenting any materials to a child.
Montessori Curriculum Pdf
You want your presentation to be flawless, precise, consistent/repeatable, and completely free from distractions so that the child can focus on, connect with, and learn from the materials. Each lesson is like a choreographed dance that you memorize the movements for. Your performance of the movements must be precise but your interactions with an individual child will of course vary somewhat as you adapt to meet the needs of the moment. This flexibility amidst precision is the true art of guiding children. You can learn more about the overall from AMI USA.
All of these guidelines were developed to respect the LESSON PLANS. Free E-Books. (1912) by Maria Montessori (Digitized by Google). (1917) by Maria Montessori (Digitized by Google). by Maria Montessori (Digitized by Google). by Maria Montessori (Digitized by Google) Planning Book/Record Keeping (3 to 6+ Curriculum) These books list the entire Montessori primary curriculum as I have it in my original albums (extensions included). (NOTE: I would make changes to these today based on my growing knowledge but this is a good starting point.) At the end of e ach day in the classroom, I made notes in these books.
I made one book for each child and was more or less able to keep them up-to-date. On the front cover I wrote the child's name and put his/her sticker (the sticker matched their cubby hook and storage drawer sticker). Sometimes the child would bring me his/her book when s/he was looking for work.
Sometimes I would ask them to bring me their book if they needed redirection and I couldn't think where best to send them or recall which lesson they needed. My assistant was also able to use these books to redirect children (I would write a sticky note and post it on the inside cover with a list of specific lessons I wanted to give or thought the child wou ld like to repeat.).